About Us
CMS Composer is affiliated with
Imaginal Web Design both owned by Jon Holmquist. He brings years of varying artistic, business, and technical experience to the rapidly evolving world of web design. He ran his own photography business for many years which he eventually adapted into his stock photography website
Photo Stock Source and its subsidiaries
Panorama Source and
Oregon Stock Photos. They all contain tens of thousands of fine art prints and digitized stock photos of Travel, Nature and People from the Pacific Northwest and Southwest United States and from dozens of countries from all over the world.

During the time photography had become Jon's passion, an original interest in science and technology compelled him to complete a Bachelors degree in Computer Science, and later to get an MBA. He's an accomplished programmer, and has managed computer systems as both an I.S. Manager and a CIO. His technical expertise, combined with his business education and experience, bring a unique suite of skills to the web design challenge. This website is devoted to exploring the area of database programming, data entry and retrieval.
He is the sole designer and producer of all content, artistic and technical, on this website. Read more about our web design services.